Blair attacks SNP's independence plans
- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: Guardian
- Kategoria: Polityka i obyczaje

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"
Staff and agencies
Friday November 24, 2006
Guardian Unlimited
Only two outcomes are "seriously possible" in the May Holyrood elections, Tony Blair warned today.
The choice was between SNP government or a Labour one, he said, and, if the nationalists won, they were pledged to introduce an independence bill at Holyrood within their first 100 days.
The prime minister told his party's Scottish conference that SNP leaders were "deadly serious" in their goal of achieving a separate Scotland.
His keynote speech came the day after two separate opinion polls suggested that Labour would lose seats next May.
Mr Blair told an audience of 800 Labour activists: "Imagine May 2007. The SNP plunge us into a constitutional nightmare."
His prepared speech was devoted entirely to an attack on the SNP, indicating the seriousness with which the Labour leadership views the nationalist challenge.
The prime minister predicted dire economic consequences from independence for Scotland's financial services sector, which was worth £8bn and employed 130,000.
"Over 90% of the services exported are to the rest of the UK," said Mr Blair.
"Just think what the prospects of Scotland separated out of the UK would do; not the damage it would do, the opportunity we would lose."
Similarly, for Scottish universities, one-fifth of the UK's entire research and development projects came to Scotland and science and technology was flourishing.
Mr Blair said that the SNP's policies depended on an oil price of $70 per barrel, and on their defence policy. "You don't know whether to laugh or cry."
Mr Blair continued: "Scotland will become a nuclear-free zone. That's fine then. So if England's attacked, the fall-out will stop at Carter Bar.
"The SNP would leave Nato and turn away from all warlike things."
Alex Salmond, the SNP's leader, accused the prime minister of a "replay" of previous Labour attempts to "engender fear" in the SNP. "The hysteria of his attack on the SNP is a tribute to our success in pinning Labour in Scotland on the political ropes, as all the recent evidence shows," he said.
"These desperate attacks are not a substitute for the substance Labour are clearly lacking, and are just another reason why more and more Scots believe that it's time for a change in Scotland, and time for the SNP."
damage- szkoda
devoted- poświęcony
dire- zgubny
engender- rodzić, powodować
entirely- całkowicie
fall-out- pył radioaktywny
flourish- rozkwitać, kwitnąć
Holyrood- the Scottish Parliament
indicate- wskazywać
keynote- przewodni
opinion poll- badanie opinii publicznej, sondaż
opportunity- szansa, możliwość
outcome- rezultat, wynik
pin- upinać
pledge- przyrzekać, ślubować
plunge (into)- zanurzać; pogrążać
policy- polityka
predict- przewidywać
prospect- perspektywa
SNP- Scottish National Party
tribute- hołd
warlike- wojenny, wojskowy