Rossellini too nice to rob, maid tells court
- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: Guardian
- Kategoria: Polityka i obyczaje

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"
Dan Glaister in Los Angeles
Thursday February 9, 2006
The Guardian
She was the housekeeper who cleaned up. But the maid who worked for Robert De Niro, Candice Bergen and other well-known figures was just a little too thorough and yesterday pleaded guilty in a New York court to stealing from her celebrity employers.
Lucyna Turyk-Wawrynowicz, 35, a Polish national, admitted stealing a pair of earrings worth £53,000 belonging to De Niro's wife, Grace Hightower. She also admitted taking a leather jacket and cameras belonging to Bergen. Under a plea bargain, she faces one to three years in jail.
Turyk-Wawrynowicz, however, did not steal from all her employers. She told the authorities that she stole from Ms Hightower because she thought she was a bad employer. She worked for the actor Isabella Rossellini, but did not take anything. "If she [Hightower] treated me better, with more respect, I probably wouldn't have done this," she told police after her arrest. "I didn't steal from Isabella Rossellini because she treated me well. I only stole from people who didn't treat me with respect."
The complaint against the maid said that when Bergen confronted her about the missing jacket, Turyk-Wawrynowicz said: "If you have me arrested, I will go to the press and tell them the reason I was fired and accused of these crimes is because your husband sexually harassed me and I refused his advances."
When confronted by another employer about purchases she had made using a forged credit card at the upmarket New York store Barney's, she allegedly said: "I didn't think you would notice."
The case arose after Ms Hightower reported the loss of the earrings from the $12.25m apartment she shared with De Niro. Police said that the earrings and other items were recovered from the apartment that Turyk-Wawrynowicz shared with her husband and two young orphaned nephews.
accuse of- oskarżać o
admit- przyznawać (się)
allegedly- rzekomo
authority- władza
celebrity- sława, słynna osoba
complaint- zażalenie
confront- konfrontować oskarżonego ze świadkami; stawiać kogoś przed czymś
fire- wyrzucać (z pracy)
forge- fałszować, podrabiać
harass- molestować
item - przedmiot
maid- pokojówka, służąca
orphaned- osierocony
plea bargain- negocjacje dotyczące przyznania się do winy
plead guilty- przyznawać się do winy
recover- odzyskać
thorough- dokładny, skrupulatny