Cartoon row claims Swedish minister's job
- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: Guardian
- Kategoria: Polityka i obyczaje

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"
Nicholas Watt, European editor
Wednesday March 22, 2006
The Guardian
The row about cartoons of the prophet Muhammad yesterday claimed the career of Sweden's foreign minister, who resigned after allegations that she shut down a far-right website for soliciting new caricatures. Laila Freivalds, who succeeded the popular Anna Lindh after she was stabbed to death in 2003, said she could no longer continue in the face of intense media criticism.
Opponents said Ms Freivalds, 63, broke Sweden's strict freedom of speech laws when her department allegedly took steps to close down a website that was trying to publish fresh cartoons of Muhammad.
The site was closed on February 9 after a foreign ministry official contacted the firm that hosted the website. No orders were issued to the company, according to the ministry, which said the official had merely pointed out that the website was endangering the lives of Swedes.
The website took the step of soliciting cartoons at the height of protests across the Muslim world against a Danish newspaper which ran cartoons of Muhammad last September. Any depiction of the prophet is offensive to Muslims.
Ms Freivalds insisted she did not order the official to contact the web company. But opposition politicians accused her of lying after a foreign ministry report said she was involved in the decision.
"The reason I have decided to request my dismissal is that it is impossible to carry out a serious job, and that is damaging for the government, the party and not least for the foreign ministry," she said.
according to- według
accuse sb of sth- oskarżać kogoś o coś
allegation- zarzut
allegedly- rzekomo, podobno
at the height- w szczytowym momencie, w apogeum
carry out- realizować, prowadzić
claim- żądać, pochłaniać
damaging- szkodliwy
depiction- przedstawienie, ilustracja
dismissal- dymisja
far-right- skrajnie prawicowy, konserwatywny
host- gościć
in the face of- wobec, w obliczu
insist- obstawać, upierać się
intense- intensywny, silny
involved in- zaangażowany w
issue - wydawać, wypowiadać
merely- tylko, jedynie
point out- wskazywać
prophet- prorok
request- żądać, prosić
row- awantura, kłótnia
stab- dźgać, pchnąć nożem
succeed- następować po, obejmować po kimś stanowisko
take steps- podejmować kroki
to death- na śmierć