Britain becoming decivilised, Tories warn
- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: Guardian
- Kategoria: Polityka i obyczaje

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"
Britain becoming decivilised, Tories warn
Thair Shaikh
Friday February 16, 2007
The Guardian
Parents and teachers are finding it increasingly difficult to exert their authority over the young because teenagers are losing their fear of adult institutions, Alan Duncan, the shadow trade and industry secretary, will say today.
In a speech to the Centre for Policy Studies, a rightwing thinktank, he will warn that Britain is in danger of becoming steadily "decivilised" and faces a "collapse of authority" as some young people lose their respect of adults.
"We need to empower teachers so that they can exert the control too many parents are unwilling or unable to exert," Mr Duncan, 49, will say.
"If there is no fear of authority, there is no respect for it. It cannot make sense in a civilised society for children of school age to face the discipline they need in court rather than in class or in the home.
"We are condemned to decline if adults and institutions remain unable to reclaim authority over younger people. Living out in real life the disturbing plot of William Golding's Lord of the Flies risks corroding Britain's well-being."
Mr Duncan will also say: "There can be no success without the risk of failure. Our culture of achievement in education has become corrupted."
His speech touches on a subject important to David Cameron, the Tory leader, who urged us to "hug a hoodie" and late last year called for a new "rite of passage" into adulthood for teenagers.
achievement- osiągnięcie, sukces
authority- władz; autorytet
collapse- walić się, runąć, załamywać się
condemn- skazywać; potępiać
corrode- korodować, ulegać korozji
corrupted- zepsuty
court- sąd
decline- podupadać
disturbing- niepokojący
empower- uprawniać; upoważniać
exert- wywierać, stosować; exert the authority- stosować władzę, używać władzy
failure- porażka
hoodie- młody człowiek w bluzie z kapturem; buntowniczy nastolatek
hug- obejmować, przytulać
plot- wątek, fabuła
reclaim- odzyskiwać
remain- pozostawać
respect- szacunek
rightwing- prawicowy
rite of passage- obrzędy związane z wejściem w dany etap życia (narodziny, ślub) lub ze śmiercią (pogrzeb)
steadily- jednostajnie, miarowo
thinktank- sztab ekspertów
unwilling- niechętny
urge- przynaglać, zachęcać
well-being- powodzenie; dobre samopoczucie