Rent a 'spare room' with a view to de-junking your life

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Whether you're moving house, or just haven't got enough space for all your possessions, storage is a booming industry as Jill Papworth reports

Saturday May 15, 2004
The Guardian

Where do you store furniture, household goods and personal possessions that you don't need right now, but want to keep accessible and safe for future use?
The market for storage is booming, spurred in recent months by homeowners selling up and renting in the hope that house prices will fall in the meantime.
But they make up only a small part of the market; the traditional users are people going abroad for a spell, living temporarily in rented accommodation because of a break in a housing chain, or who need to clear a space in their home while they renovate or redecorate.
There are also growing numbers of householders who don't have the space to store bulky stuff like garden furniture, baby equipment or leisure items like skis, surfboards and golf clubs which they may want to use only now and again.
Many people, particularly those in expensive areas where space is at a premium, don't have the luxury of attics, garages or outhouses in which to keep accumulated possessions and can't afford to upgrade to a bigger property.
An increasingly popular solution for anyone in need of extra space is to rent a "spare room" in a secure self-storage centre, an idea imported from the US where there are more than 35,000 outlets compared to the 450 or so to date in the UK mainly concentrated around London and the south-east.
It is a straightforward and attractive proposition. Self-storage providers offer various sized, dry, clean, lockable units that you can rent with exclusive access for as long or short a period as you require. You can come and go as often as you like during normal working hours - sometimes 24 hours, seven days a week - and your goods are normally protected by comprehensive security measures including 24-hour CCTV and sophisticated alarm systems.
Apart from signing a contract to say you are not storing anything illegal, perishable, flammable or explosive, you are free to stash virtually anything you like.
It's usually up to you to pack and transport your own items, though providers will sell you a variety of packing materials, recommend local removal firms and self-hire transport companies, and offer you advice on how best to pack and store your goods and the amount of space you are likely to need. Reputable firms also offer you free use of trolleys, pallet trucks and other handling equipment.
Many people overestimate the amount of space they'll need, say providers who recommend that you'll typically need a 35-50 square foot unit to store the contents of a one-bedroom home, 50-100 square feet for a two-bedroom home and 100-150 for a three-bed property.
Customers are also normally encouraged to insure their goods while in storage, either independently, or by taking the provider's policy, which typically costs around £3.50 per month per £1,000 worth.
As can be seen from our table, which compares the price per calendar month of secure units in four major locations, charges, services and facilities do vary considerably from provider to provider and from location to location, according to local costs, competition, and space availability. So it's well worth shopping around for the best deal in your area.
A good place to start is the Self Storage Association where you can search for members' in your area.
Most now have websites where you can "look" at the facilities and services on offer, but nothing beats going to view them in person.
When considering prices, do make sure you compare like with like. Some providers quote prices per calendar month, while others quote on a weekly or four-weekly basis. Also make sure you are given the total inclusive of VAT.
Find out if you have to stump up a refundable deposit and ask if there are any discounts on offer.
Big Yellow, for example, one of the major players in the south, offers a 4% discount on rooms pre-paid for 24 weeks and 8% on those pre-paid for a year. Like many competitors, it also offers a 5% student discount.
Other things to check include the notice period you have to give to vacate your space - some firms require two weeks, while others allow immediate vacation with a refund of any overpayment you've made.

attic – strych
booming – dynamicznie rozwijający się
bulky – duży i nieporęczny
CCTV = closed-circuit television – telewizja przemysłowa
comprehensive – pełny
de-junking- “odgracanie”
facilities – pomieszczenia
flammable – łatwopalny
household goods – dobra gospodarstwa domowego
outlet – punkt sprzedaży
To overestimate - przeceniać
overpayment – nadpłata
Perishable – łatwo psujący się
refundable deposit – zwrotna kaucja
to renovate – remontować
sophisticated – wyszukany
spell – a period of time for which an activity or condition lasts continuously
to spur – pobudzić
to stash – przechowywać
to stump up – zapłacić
trolley – wózek
to vacate – zwolnić


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