Strategy 3 - Paper 1 Part 3


This time the main point of our concern is the gapped text. It means a text from which paragraphs or sentences have been removed and placed in jumbled order after the text. This is you who is to decide from where in the text the paragraphs or sentences have been removed. The emphasis in this kind of task is the text structure. It means that you will have to realize what the sequence of events is, what the logic of the text is, find the devices which show some link between parts of the text. The linguistic devices might help, e.g. pronouns (its, them etc) but sometimes you will have to rely on your common sense and instinct.



Steps to take:

  1. Read the instructions carefully.

  2. Read the text quickly for general impression.

  3. Look for the main idea in each of the missing paragraphs and decide which part of the text the paragraph probably belongs to: the beginning, the middle or the end.

  4. Look for the linguistic devices to help you decide about the order of the paragraphs/sentences.

  5. Take final decisions.

  6. Read the text through quickly, if you have time, to make sure that the passage makes sense.



Below you will find some more advice on how to get down to this task and what to pay attention to. You may find them useful when answering the questions in the “test” part of the lesson.



What should you look for in each paragraph?
The main idea.
What should you decide next?
Which part of the text it belongs to.



A missing sentence may have structure and vocabulary like that in parts of the text which go before or after it. Other possible clues include linking expressions of result (e.g. therefore, consequently), sequence (e.g. secondly, the other) and contrast (e.g. however, on the other hand).



When reading a narrative text with paragraphs missing you should underline the main events in both text and paragraphs.
When reading a text with sentences missing you should underline the words that link the sentences to the main text.



Some common reference words are the following: it, the, this (sg), those (pl), such, them etc.



Now analyse a portion of vocabulary from the test. Try to write your own sentences with the words you do not know (and make it your habit J ). It helps remembering them for a longer time.




Wyjaśnienia słów:

tinned food - jedzenie w puszkach
inexperienced adj - niedoświadczony
Jack is an inexperienced driver but he is getting better and better.
far-off - daleki, oddalony
itinerary n - plan podróży
sensible adj - rozsądny
edible adj - jadalny
filthy adj - bardzo brudny
gossip n - plotka
to get on ph v - dogadywać się
I didn&
8217;t use to get on well with my sister, but it has changed over the years.
to confide sth to sb v - zwierzyć się komuś z czegoś
She did not confide her love to anyone &
8211; not even to her best friend.
tent n - namiot
destination n - cel, przeznaczenie


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