Pupils face 'impossible' exam after booklet error
- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: Guardian
- Kategoria: Polityka i obyczaje

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"
Thousands of teenagers were asked to sit an "impossible" GCSE exam today after a major error from administrators.
The AQA exam board's humanities GCSE paper questions pupils on a series of sources, such as cartoons, written extracts and photographs.
But the board failed to send the vital source booklet to schools - and told the 11,000 pupils involved to take the exams anyway.
One teacher, who wanted to remain anonymous, said the questions would be "absolutely impossible" without the sources.
A spokeswoman for AQA said pupils would have had a copy of the source booklet to work from for several months. But they are not allowed to bring annotated versions of the booklet into the exam hall.
A fresh copy should have been provided to every candidate alongside the question paper today, she said.
"An administrative error on our part means that these fresh copies of that pre-released information have not been sent out as they should have been."
She added: "We have contacted all the centres today. It's quite clearly an error on our part and we apologise for that."
She said the problem would have affected all candidates taking the exam, but stressed such mistakes were not common.
Examiners will take the situation into account when they award grades, she said.
"We understand that it is going to be unsettling and distressing for the candidates, but it is our error and we will put it right."
Pupils should "move on" from the problems of today and concentrate on revising for their other papers, she said.
About 11,000 pupils in more than 150 schools and colleges in England were taking the exam this afternoon.
administrator- administrator, organizator
affect- wpływać, oddziaływać
alongside- wraz z
annotate- wprowadzać przypisy, komentować
apologise- przepraszać
AQA- Assessment and Qualifications Alliance; główna komisja egzaminacyjna
common- powszechny
distressing- martwiący
extract- fragment, wyjątek (z tekstu)
fail to - nie udać się, nie powieść się
GCSE-General Certificate of Secondary Education; świadectwo ukończenia szkoły średniej
humanities- nauki humanistyczne
involve- dotyczyć, angażować
major- poważny, główny
on sb’s part- po czyjejś stronie
provide- zapewniać, dostarczać
revise- powtarzać (wiadomości)
sit (an exam)- zdawać egzamin
source booklet- książeczka z tekstami źródłowymi
spokeswoman- rzeczniczka prasowa
stress- podkreślać
unsettling- niepokojący
take sth into account- brać coś pod uwagę