Darwin deniers, bone-snatchers and steroids
- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: Guardian
- Kategoria: Polityka i obyczaje

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"
Only in America ... doubts about Darwinism, steroid tests in schools, a president in trouble for spying on his own citizens and the great walk to work in New York as transport workers went on strike but were coaxed back in the face of a court-imposed $1m a day fine. And for an encore the extraordinary story of the bone-snatching gang that has allegedly made millions from selling body parts, including those of the legendary broadcaster Alistair Cooke.
George Bush started the week with his popularity plummeting and embroiled in a row over revelations that phone taps had been ordered on American citizens. But a few days later and after a PR blitz opinion polls revealed that the president's popularity had, in fact, made a significant move upwards.
A judge in Pennsylvania ruled that teaching "intelligent design" in school science classes was unconstitutional, dashing the hopes of the religious right's challenge to Darwin's theory of evolution.
And the US state of New Jersey became the first in the country to impose random steroid testing in school sports as evidence grew of widespread abuse among high school athletes.
In other parts of the world the Israeli prime minister, Ariel Sharon, was rushed to hospital after suffering a minor stroke the day before his rival Binyamin Netanyahu succeeded him as leader of Likud. Mr Sharon was released from hospital two days later and said he would be carrying on at the head of the country.
The fallout from the Iraqi elections continued with the Sunni and secular parties demanding a rerun and the trial of Saddam Hussein brought accusations from the former president and his co-defendants that they had been tortured by their American captors.
The swing to the political left in Latin America continued with the election of Evo Morales as president of Bolivia and the swing back to darker days continued in Iran where president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad ordered state broadcasters to stop playing "decadent western music."
abuse- nadużycie
accusation- oskarżenie
allegedly- przypuszczalnie, rzekomo
blitz- błyskawiczna wojna, nalot
broadcaster- dziennikarz radiowy / telewizyjny
captor- porywacz
citizen- obywatel
coax- skłonić pochlebstwem
court-imposed- nałożony/ narzucony przez sąd
dash the hopes- rozwiać nadzieje
embroil- uwikłać się, zaangażować się, wdać się
encore- bis, bisowanie
evidence- dowody
extraordinary- nadzwyczajny, niezwykły
fallout- opad (radioaktywny)
impose- narzucać
in the face (of)- w obliczu
intelligent design- inteligentny projekt
opinion poll- badanie opinii publicznej
phone tap- podsłuch telefoniczny
plummet- gwałtownie spadać, zmniejszać się
random- losowy
release- zwalniać (skądś)
reveal- ujawnić, odsłonić
revelations- odkrycie, rewelacja
secular- świecki
significant- znaczący, istotny
snatch- porywać, urywać
succeed- następować, zastępować
swing- wahnięcie
widespread- powszechny, rozpowszechniony