Action on computer game violence
- Szczegóły
- Nadrzędna kategoria: Guardian
- Kategoria: Polityka i obyczaje

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"
Action on computer game violence
Press Association
Saturday December 11, 2004
The Guardian
New measures to warn parents about the dangers of buying violent video and computer games for their children were unveiled yesterday, following fears that people were unwittingly buying unsuitable products for youngsters.
A summit was held between industry leaders, consumer groups and the British Board of Film Classification at which improvements to labelling were discussed, as well as how to tighten up the law.
Games sales are expected to reach a record 10m this month, with about one in 12 aimed at over-18-year-olds.
The government is taking action after concerns that children were finding it easy to buy and play games intended for adults. Mystery shoppers will be used to check on stores following similar schemes aimed at tackling retailers who sell alcohol and cigarettes to underage children.
The trade and industry secretary, Patricia Hewitt, said the UK had a vibrant games industry which would be selling millions of games in the run-up to Christmas. "But adults should be treated as adults and children as children. It is important that retailers respect the classifications and do not sell games with high levels of violence to minors. Equally, parents need to know what they might be buying for their children.
"Video games are different to films or videos and not all parents have grown up playing games in the way our children do. We need to look carefully at how we improve content warnings and strengthen sales enforcement."
The culture secretary, Tessa Jowell, added: "You would not let your child watch the Texas Chainsaw Massacre or go to a strip club so you should not let them play an 18-rated game."
Anyone convicted of selling an adult game to a child faces a fine of up to £5,000 or a prison term of up to six months, or both.
Campaigners have been calling for a complete ban on excessively violent games because of the danger of them being seen by children.
The DTI said last night that the industry had agreed it needed to make sure classifications for adult games were clearly understood.
"The industry will consider how to make sure parents know what games their children should and should not play," said an official. "It was a very positive meeting and we welcome the positive attitude the industry has shown."
attitude - stosunek
ban - zakaz
convict of - uznawać winnym (czegoś)
enforcement - wprowadzenie, wymuszenie
excessively - nadmiernie
measure- środek
retailer - sprzedawca
run-up - wstęp
strip - striptiz
summit - szczyt, konferencja na szczycie
tackle - uporać się, radzić sobie
tighten up - ograniczać, wprowadzać restrykcje
underage - nieletni
unveil - ujawniać
unwittingly - bezwiednie, nieświadomie