Snow Cake

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Xan Brooks
Friday September 8, 2006
The Guardian

Snow Cake kicks off with a car crash and the rest of the film soon follows suit. This Canadian-set drama from British director Marc Evans offers a mesmerising bonfire of the vanities, crowned by the ludicrous pairing of Alan Rickman and Sigourney Weaver as a depressed murderer and a live-wire autistic woman who likes bouncing on trampolines. "Despite our faults we work quite well together, don't we?" chuckles Rickman at one stage. Perhaps Snow Cake will blossom into a lucrative comedy franchise, with a bevy of sequels involving more odd-couple escapades, more romantic misadventures. More trampolines.

Until then we are left with a sanctimonious little affair that deposits Rickman's doleful ex-con at Weaver's home in the run-up to her daughter's funeral. Despite mooching around town like the saddest camel on earth, Rickman improbably attracts the attentions of every woman he meets. A middle-aged busybody accosts him on the street to explain that she is a divorcee. The beautiful next-door neighbour (Carrie-Anne Moss) promptly drags him into bed. Even the cute veterinarian's assistant appears all set to fellate him by the rabbit hutch at a moment's notice.
If Rickman suffers these indignities like a man with his mind on other things, he's probably just shell-shocked by the antics of his co-star. Weaver's performance is so extravagantly awful, you can't take your eyes off it. When she is happy she gurgles, gurns and waves her arms like a demented mime. When she is upset, she flaps them in a fury, frets over the housework and shrilly orders Rickman to take out the trash. "I don't do garbage!" she roars, although in this case she has gallantly made an exception.

accost- zaczepiać
autistic- autystyczny
bevy- stado, gromada
blossom- kwitnąć, rozkwitać; blossom into- wyrosnąć na
bonfire- ognisko
bounce- skakać
busybody- wścibska osoba
chuckle- chichotać
deposit- składać, deponować
doleful- smętny, żałosny
ex-con- były więzień, były oszust
fret over- trapić się, gryźć się
gallantly- bohatersko, szarmancko
gurgle- bulgotać
gurn- robić dziwne miny
indignity- zniewaga, obelga, poniżenie
kick off- rozpoczynać (się)
live-wire- żywe srebro (bardzo żywa osoba)
lucrative- intratny, lukratywny
ludicrous- niedorzeczny; śmieszny; śmiechu wart; absurdalny
mesmerising- fascynujący, hipnotyzujący
mooch around- wałęsać się
promptly- natychmiast, od razu
sanctimonious- świętoszkowaty
shell-shocked- zmęczony, wykończony, w szoku
vanity- próżność, marność


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